If you are like many Americans that are carrying around a few extra pounds you have also probably tried dozens of different exercise programs. Well the newest exercise trend is a little thing called the hula hoop.
That's right it's back and it's not just for kids anymore. This simple contraption we all used when we where younger is now one of the most exciting new pieces exercise equipment on the market. I bet you never thought that the plastic hoop you whirled around your waist could ever be used to trim it down.
Now that you're aware of the hula hoop as an exercise opportunity, you may ask "why should I try it". Well besides nostalgia and the fact that its tons of fun, hula hooping is a great all over workout. Did I mention that there is an emphasis on the tummy region? That's right ladies you can get a fabulous toned stomach, drop all those boring exercises and grab a hula hoop for a fun exciting workout.
Are you interested yet? Well if I've peeked your interest you're probably wondering if there are true health benefits to be gained from hula hooping. The answer is yes! The main focus of this exercise is on your mid section but by moving the hoop around your body you can get a full body work out.
This is a great workout for women that just can't seem to get rid of that belly. When you use it to concentrate on your stomach you will strengthen and tighten those stubborn abs and have fun doing it. The best part is that it takes virtually no time to feel that burn that lets you know that your work is actually working.
While there are classes and videos for the hula hoop challenged it's not necessary for those of you who can twirl already. If you're already a hula hoop champ here are some guidelines to help you along.
1. To get the most out of your workout you need to keep that hoop moving. The longer it stays in motion the more calories you burn.
2. Place the hoop in the area you want to work on. For example if you want to work the abs have it around your waist. You want to work your hips, thighs, and buns put it lower on your waist.
3. Once you are use to the process try mixing it up with a dance routine
Once you get the hang of the hula hoop you will feel like a kid again. Not only is this a cheap and effective method of exercise but it is also a lot of fun. Don't torture yourself with those boring exercise videos anymore, buy yourself a hula hoop and feel young again.