Low Fat Replacements

One of the best ways to cut calories when making foods is by finding low fat, low calorie replacements for high fat, high calorie ingredients. There are a few basic things that are commonly used as replacements.

  1. Replace fatty milk chocolate with a high quality dark chocolate. Not only is dark chocolate lower in fat but it also has antioxidants which are great for losing weight.
  2. Always use low fat or skim milk in the place of whole milk. Whole milk is loaded with unnecessary fat. Skim milk gives you the same benefits without the fat.
  3. Whenever necessary replace cream and sour cream with a plain yogurt.
  4. When baking substitute oils with applesauce.
  5. When a recipe calls for an egg you can replace it with two egg whites. For some recipes you can even use 1/4 cup of apple sauce for each egg.
Keep in mind that these are just standard substitutions. You should experiment with your own meals and see what type of healthy substitutes you can come up with.

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